Skill Building provides an opportunity for dogs to increase their:
ability to process signals and directions
trust in you as their leader
consistency and general confidence
ability to focus while working with you
know their job - independent obstacle performance
directional skills
ability to manage handler focus through transitions and distractions
confidence on obstacles
obstacle performance
fitness and motor skills
work ethic

Agility Skill
Building provides an opportunity for HANDLERS to increase their ability
- communicate with
their dog
- habituate clear, consistent signals
shape desired behaviors in small successful steps
establish and commit to performance criteria
use reward systems consistently, appropriately and effectively
establish appropriate management to guide your dog to be successful, while
skills are being built
fade cues, support and management effectively
improve TEAMWORK skills
comprehend and apply behavioral principles (shaping, overlaying,
gain insight into their dogs “view” of the process
learn to find PLAY in all activities